Friday, October 20, 2006

Part Time Job

Part Time Job
If funds are tight, you may be considering a part time job. There are also times when a part time job is all you can have. This might be when you are in college, high school, or if you need a little extra money after retirement. There are many different kinds of places you can find a part time job, and you just have to find what is right for you. Some people won’t mind working in fast food, while others would rather cut off their big toe. You won’t be happy unless you can at least tolerate your work.
If you have a family, an extra part time job might get in the way of spending time with your kids. If this is a problem, look online for something you can do in your spare time without taking a lot of time away from home. Most of these jobs, however, will require concentration, and you may have better luck getting something on the weekends away from home. That is up to you however, and if you want to work from home, and can find the endeavor, then that is what you should do.
Remember when looking for a part time job that they are sometimes not as flexible as you would like them to be. Make sure you talk about this before you accept a job, or you may lose it as fast as you get it. There are many places that offer just daytime hours during the week, and these are designed for moms who have children in school. On the other hand, you can find something that is strictly nights and weekends, or even just weekends. The important thing is to find something that works for you, and offers a little flexibility if your availability will change week from week.
You can drive around and look for help wanted signs when looking for a part time job, but these are scarce these days. You will have better luck looking in the classifieds and at job fairs or centers. One way to find a part time job is to simply choose the places you think you would like to work, and go in and fill out an application. Some places have a high turn over rate, so you may get a call back quicker than you thought. Don’t forget to look at online job sites as well, you may find something there you may have missed otherwise.