Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What are Social Security Benefits

Some types of social security benefits have to do with a disability. In order to receive this benefit you must provide medical substantiation that you are unable to work. Other people experience that they can only work reduced hours or a different type of job that pays less. Your social security office can assist you with the specifics of such benefits as well as how to apply for them.

Some types of social security benefits can be taxable. You will need to discuss what you receive in any given year with your tax preparer. It is wise to discuss all this with a government worker or a help agency that is trained in this area as they can help you to avoid paying taxes on money that is tax free.

You may be eligible for a variety of social security benefits that you weren’t aware of. Please do your research to find all the benefits that you are entitled to. It is wise however not to be entirely dependent on social security benefits to live as these are usually designed to allow for the bare minimum of existence.

For more on this business article or What are social security benefits