Friday, October 13, 2006

Wine Stain

Nothing strikes fear and dread into the heart of any spot-fearing individual than a red wine stain. This classic spot has ruined more than one garment. It has been the cause of dread for homeowners who own light-colored carpeting and it has left many smiles dingy-purple. Not every wine stain is red. You may find yourself wondering how to get rid of a white wine stain as well. The first step is to pour cold water on the affected area. This needs to be done as quickly as possible. These types of spills usually occur during a special occasion like a party and you may feel a bit rude, but it is crucial to get that cold water to the wine spot as soon as you possibly can in order to assure that it will be removed promptly. If the white stain is on clothing or other material that can be turned inside out, pour the water from the back of the area instead of the front. Of course, this approach can’t be used on most rugs so pouring from the top is the only option for these materials. However, a blouse should be turned inside out when addressing the area. Step two in the white wine stain removal process is to rub the fabric with laundry detergent. After applying the laundry detergent, let the fabric stand for about five to ten minutes. Dish detergent will work very well with this, too. If you are looking at a white wine stain on a rug, it is best to use a carpet spot cleaner. These can be found at your local grocery store in little time but it is always a good idea to keep some on hand for just such an emergency. If the wine stain is still visible then let the fabric soak in cold water for at least thirty minutes. This can be quite inconvenient but it is a must if you want to save the garment. Wash the fabric as you normally would after the soak but be sure to look for the wine stain before putting the garment into the dryer. If the spot is still visible, try a laundry stain remover and rewash the item. Your rug may need to be professionally cleaned if the white wine stain is still prevalent after a few hours. This professional cleaning should be arranged as soon as possible to assure that the white wine stain will be removed completely.